For file sharing and remote control between SBOX and a second computer, you can use Windows function mobile hotspot. It was replaced by the hosted network option in WIN 7. It is still possible to use a hosted network with Realtek network cards using solution Hosted network Wi-Fi on SBOX, but it is suggested using mobile hotspot instead.


Setting mobile hotspot

You can access its configuration in WIN 10 under settings -> Network & Internet -> Mobile hotspot. It can be set up either on the second computer or SBOX and connect the other device to it. 

Note: The device you set the mobile hotspot on, has to have a second network connection to it, so you can share it over the hotspot.

In the drop-down menu, you have to choose a primary network connection connected to the device, select Wi-Fi as share protocol, and define share network parameters. When turning the hotspot on, the new Wi-Fi will appear. With the second device, you need to connect to it with a set password.

File sharing

On the computer, you want to share data from, you need to select data/folders that will be shared over the network. Right-click on the folder and under "Give access to" select "Specific people...".

Note: There has to be a user with a defined username and password in Windows enviroment to be able to access the folder from second computer.

Select the User with whom credentials you want to access the folder from another system and click on the button "Add".


Select account rights and click on the button "Share". You should get confirmation that your folder has been shared.

Accessing files

To access the files located in the first computer you need to connect to the network hosted by it. You can find it under Wi-Fi connections. Use the password you have defined in the network setup.

When connected to the same network, the first computer should appear under the network tab in windows explorer. With a double click on it, the login window will appear. Insert the user from the first computer, which you have given access.

In the window, the folders which are shared will appear. You can access all the data in real-time.