Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric
IEPE is a set of initials for “Integrated Electronic Piezo Electric”. It is a standard for electronics in transducers (like accelerometers and microphones) that have built-in amplifiers.
ICP is short for “Integrated Circuit-Piezoelectric”. ICP is a trademark name of PCB Corporation for their proprietary implementation of IEPE.
Other trademark names of IEPE from different companies include CCLD, IsoTron or DeltaTron.
Most IEPE sensors work at a constant current between 2 and 20 mA. A common value is 4 mA.
Supplying the IEPE sensor with constant current, results in a positive bias voltage, typically between 8 and 12 Volts, at the output.
The supply or compliance voltage of the constant current source should be 24 to 30 V which is about two times the bias voltage.
Compliance Voltage example calculation
Example sensor specifications:
Sensitivity | 10 mV/g |
Range | 500 g |
Constant Current Excitation | 2 .. 20 mA |
Excitation - Compliance Voltage | 18 .. 30 Vdc |
Bias Voltage | 7 .. 12 Vdc |
Excitation - Compliance Voltage minimum required = 500 g * 10 mV / g +12 V = 17 V
This (17 V) is within the compliance voltage of the SIRIUS ACC amplifier specifications. See table below.
DEWESoft SIRIUS ACC amplifiers, IEPE mode specifications
IEPE mode | |
Excitation | 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 mA |
Compliance voltage | 25 Volt |
Output impedance | >100 kR |
Sensors detection | Shortcut: <4 Volt; Open: >19 Volt |
ACC amplifier is constantly monitoring bias voltage of the sensor.
- If <4 Volts DEWESoft will detect input short and inicate with RED light ring indicator on the BNC input.
- Within limits >4 V and < 19 V DEWESoft will detect as normal sensor connection with GREEN light ring.
- When bias voltage is >19 V DEWESoft will not detect as sensor connected, NO light ring indication.
Green light ring indication, sensor is connected.
Sensor simulation
A simple resistor or potentiometer termination on the ACC input does the trick. 50R terminator is fine for input short. For normal sensor detection calculate resistance R = U / I = Normal Bias Voltage / Excitation current = 12 V / 2 .. 20 mA
Jernej Kovačič, 13.05.2020, updated 27.10.2021