In rare cases, it is possible that when uninstalling Dewesoft not all the files were removed. This might cause an issue when installing the Dewesoft back to the computer. 

To resolve this issue you will have to go to Windows registry and delete some of the keys manually.

Here you can find the list of available Dewesoft versions:

Official release version:

32-bit: 69353377-F673-4D69-A675-E009C29E99D6

64-bit: 161AF687-8B83-45B2-8B88-F92E31624655

Release candidate - test version:

32-bit: 478B0041-AE54-414E-BD21-47383B32559C

64-bit: 17080C0C-3262-451A-B01B-97D2CE782BCC

Unstable - development version

32-bit: 3A2BA31F-2B0F-4D07-BCF9-E42F65B7ECDE

64-bit: F2BC8F58-3888-4B8E-A73D-B0A4376A57F6

For example, we will use the 64-bit release version:

Option 1. Using Windows registry:

1. First go to the Window registry (open start menu and type in "regedit").

2. When the registry editor is opened press Ctrl+F buttons and the search window will open. 

3. Copy the key of the correct Dewesoft version in "Find what" window and click "Find Next".

4. When the registry editor finds a file with this name, delete it:

5. Press F3 key on the keyboard to find the next file. Repeat the process until the Registry editor no longer finds the file with this name. 

6. The installation of Dewesoft should now work without any problems

Option 2. Using a 3rd party tool Nirsoft RegScanner:

This is a faster solution but it requires the usage of 3rd party software.

1. Download and run the Nirsoft RegScanner from their web page:

2. When the software launches copy the key to Find String field, select all options in "Scan the following base keys:" and click the Scan button:

3. Select all found files and delete them:

4. The installation of Dewesoft should now work without any problems