
This article complements the Official release newsletter and focuses on graphically representing features that were briefly mentioned in the newsletter under the "What else is new?" section. 

The most notable features in the 2025.1 release are fully presented in the Official release newsletter and are listed in the following list:

  • XCP calibration 
  • C++ improvements
  • OPC-UA improvements
  • Live Status Calibration

To enhance the image, either right-click the image directly, which slightly enlarges it, or ''Open image in new tab'' by right-clicking it, which allows you to zoom further into the image.

Option to decode ASCII values in Ethernet transmitter module

ASCII decoder is now supported in Ethernet receiver to provide the users with even more flexibility when it comes to receiving data. If we are working with data in ASCII format, we will now be able to select it in the Ethernet receiver's Channel setup, under the Data definition section. The data types we can work with are Text, Integer, and Float.

Automatic display switching in Trigger Action module

In Dewesoft 2025.1, an option to switch displays on a certain condition has been added to the Trigger action plugin. The easiest case to show off this new functionality is with the use of User inputs.

  • We start off by creating a simple User input channel, Control out 0.

  • In the Trigger action plugin, we select this User input as the Input channel, and set the Action type to Change display.

  • In Measure mode, we first set up all the displays we plan on using, paying special attention to the names of the displays.
  • We then add an Input control widget, set to Control channel, Switch, and assign the Control out 0 channel to it. In the widget's settings, we select the Discrete values option. We add as many discrete values as we have displays and name each of them after one of our displays. Lastly, we enter a value that Control out 0 channel must reach in order for the display to be switched.

    • Example: The view will jump to Display_3 when the value of Control out 0 jumps to 2.

You can now export sensors from Analog Sensor database to individual *.dxb files

For users with more than just a couple of sensors in the Analog sensor database, working with just one file was cumbersome. This is why Dewesoft 2025.1 introduced the ability to export each sensor into a separate file. Of course, each individual sensor file can later be imported back into Dewesoft and merged into the existing overall sensor database.

You can see Shunt cal. target values for internal shunts, when hovering over the input window

Due to a feature request, hoovering over the Shunt cal target bracket in the Channel setup of a Bridge-type channel will display the shunt and Cal target values based on the possible shunts in the amplifier. These values can then serve as reference Shunt cal values based on the calibration input.

Visual editor for completely custom windows in Modal Test

In Dewesoft 2025.1, the Modal Test's Trigger Window functions have been expanded to include Custom force and Custom exponential windows, which allow the user to better eliminate unwanted parts of the excitation signal.

With the Custom force window, the user can now enter custom Rise and Fall start and end times of a window either by inserting the desired percentage into the Time window brackets or by physically moving the points on the Signal preview.

Likewise, selecting a Custom exponential window allows us to select our own rise and fall time of the signal, as well as the window decay.

When working with custom windows, we should keep in mind that damping will not be correctly recoverable in Modal Analysis.

ISO 6396 standard is now supported in Sound Power module

From Dewesoft version 2025.1, the Sound Power module can be used in accordance with ISO 6396.

Option to input shims parameter as channel for 2-stroke industrial engine in CEA

Certain users working with the CEA module expressed the need for dynamic Shims height. To mitigate this, our developers have implemented the option to input CAN channels as a dynamic shims parameter when a 2-Stroke industrial motor is selected.

To utilize this functionality, the user should assign an Rx (read) CAN channel as a dynamic shims imput when a 2-Stroke Industrial motor and dyn. Shims options are selected in the CEA module.

Improvements in Counter channel setup, option to zero individual counters, and support for additional Frequency units in the case of a Linear encoder

Dewesoft 2025.1 brings some useful features to the Counters that will make the module nicer to work with:

  1. In the Channel selector, each counter now has a separate subfolder within the CNT folder for its channels, thus allowing for better visibility of the channels.

  2. Users with multiple counters configured with the same sensor and the same settings will now be able to simply copy and paste the configuration of one counter channel to all the other channels via the copy/paste function.

  3. Counters now utilize hardware visualization for easier navigation. As in Analog in channel setup, pressing on a counter channel will now highlight the corresponding channel on an image of the connected hardware:

  4. When working with Linear encoders, we now have a larger selection of Frequency unitsto choose from. The options are:
    1. mm/s
    2. mm/min
    3. mm/h
    4. m/s
    5. km/h
    6. mph
    7. knot
    8. ips

  5. In measure mode, it is now possible to zero each counter individually:

Balance Amplifier action block is now available in the Sequencer

The Sequencer's Action block now supports the ability to balance Amplifiers.


All the changes this release brings are summed up in the changelog. To access it, please open our Downloads webpage, then look for the Changelog under the latest release Offline installer in the DewesoftX software latest release section. There, you can also find the direct link to our full Official release newsletter.