Description of the problem

How to modify ''analogsensors.dxb'' file with Excel and add sensors datasheet information.


Description of the solution

For the test, we imported 13000 + sensors in the database without any problems. The trick is that you have to change the sensors in an XML format. The sensors cannot be simply copy-pasted, because their settings are saved in the XML and not in text format. 

1. Locate the analogsensors.dxb file in the DeweosftX folder:
For example C:\Program Files\DewesoftX\Bin64\System

Or you can find the folder by simply clicking on the button below:

2. Import it to Excel sheet:

3. In Excel or any other XML viewing software (Notepad++) you can then add, copy-paste, or change the sensor information.
4. Make sure that the file is saved as XML and then it can be imported back into Dewesoft:

Attached is an example file. 

Additional information