
This article complements the Official release newsletter and focuses on graphically representing features that were briefly mentioned in the newsletter under the "What else is new?" section. 

The most notable features in the 202X.X release are fully presented in the Official release newsletter and are listed in the following list:

  • Improved Navigation in the Sequencer
  • Polygon Improvements
  • Modal Geometry Improvements
  • GigE Cameras PTP Synchronization
  • LIN improvements

To enhance the image, either right-click the image directly, which slightly enlarges it, or ''Open image in new tab'' by right-clicking it, which allows you to zoom further into the image.

The Power Analysis module now supports line-to-line and line-to-neutral period symmetrical components

In the newest version of DewesoftX, the Power Analysis module has been enhanced with support for Symmetrical components for 3-phase outputs. It is now possible to calculate line-to-line and line-to-neutral period symmetrical components, while it was previously only possible to work with positive periods.

To make cycle values more consistent with period values, cycle values for I_p1p, I_q1p, cos_phi_1p, as well as their negative and zero counterparts, have been added to the list of cycle symmetrical components.

Rotor Balancer initial mass and angle improvements

It is now possible to select larger mass units when working with the Rotor balancer widget.

We now support the following units:

  • gram
  • milligram
  • microgram
  • kilogram
  • pounds

Additionally, the input trial mass is now limited to 4 (four) decimal places.

It is no longer possible to input angle values that are outside the range [-360, 360].

Factor 1000 is in Decimator math

Due to client request, a factor of 1000 has been added to Decimator math, allowing the user to downscale their channel's rate even more than before.

Improved search algorithm for Math, Widgets and Setup modules

When searching for Mathematical functions, Widgets, or Setup Modules, the search bar will change dynamically to prioritize what the user is searching for.

XY widget now supports a new single y-axis graph type - in addition to assigning up to 16 channels.

Due to customer request, the XY Recorder widget has been given an additional set of functionalities. Firstly, it is now possible to invert the display, that is, assign only one channel to the y-axis and multiple channels to the x-axis. This option can be found as a Single y axis selection in the Graph type dropdown of the widget's settings.

Additionally, it is now possible to assign 16 channels to the widget to compare their values, as opposed to 8 channels previously.

Unwrap phase option for complex channels presenting phase values on the 2D graph

It is now possible to auto scale a channel in the 2D graph widget when a phase presentation is selected in such a way, that the phase presentation is not interrupted by Y-axis limitations. To enable this functionality, simply select the Unwrap phase option under the Y Axis (Value) dropdown in the widget's settings. In order for this option to work as intended, one might want to set the Auto scale setting to either Per channel or All channels.

The Dewesoft NET configuration overview has been improved and includes new option to delete files on MU from the Client

In DewesoftX 2024.3, the Dewesoft NET configuration overview got a makeover. The old interface would show the configuration, Measurement unit, and Connection Status. Besides that, it would also allow the user to quickly access the measurement unit's remote desktop or measure the bandwidth. All the other available functions could only be accessed by pressing the NET icon.

The new Dewesoft NET configuration overview gives the user access to all the functionalities Dewesoft NET has to offer in one window. All the information has been divided into two sections: the Main Client and the Measurement Units. Under the Main Client section, we can read the Required bandwidth and check the network performance by measuring the Measured bandwidth. Under the Measurement Units section, we can see which units are used, their Name and Bandwidth, check their Status, and quickly modify their setup remotely by pressing the Setup button. 

Just above the Unit information, we have the option to Disconnect/Connect the Measurement units.

Next to that is the Action button, which contains the functionalities previously found by pressing the NET icon. The functionalities are divided into two sections: System operation and Remote action. 

System operation contains already-known functionalities: Close Dewesoft, Reboot, Shutdown, and Wakeup.


Remote action contains brand new functionality: Delete files

This action allows us to delete every file and subdirectory located in the Measurement unit directly from the Master client.

Constant transmit for CAN RT output module on OBSIDIAN device

The CAN output RT module on OBSIDIAN devices now supports constant transmit.

The Modal Geometry widget now supports trace lines exported in both .unv dataset format 2416 and 82, and distance unit information is exported in dataset 164

The Modal Geometry Editor export now supports exporting trace lines in both .unv format 2416 and 82. To accommodate this new feature, pressing the export button will create a popup with 2 dropdowns:

  • one for selecting the coordinate system (global/local)
  • one for selecting the trace line format (82/2416)

Additionally, distance unit information is now exported in dataset 164.