Description of the problem
Which devices can be upgraded from CAN to CAN-FD and what are the limitations?
Description of the solution
In the table below are shown all the CAN-FD upgrade possibilities on different devices:
*in the attached Excel document is the same table but in better resolution.
Additional information/examples:
- If there is a request to use XCP-ON-CAN as well as to measure CAN-FD on the same port. Is there any effect on other in-vehicle communication measurements such as XCP-ON-CAN and FlexRay by converting from CAN to CAN-FD?
CAN-FD module can be used in standard CAN mode there is no difference when using it with XCP etc. port for the XCP plugin and the second port for direct raw traffic.
For Flexray we use Vector 3rd party modules so they don't have anything with XCP on CAN and Dewesoft CAN devices.
When the CAN port or CAN-FD is occupied by some CAN plugin (OBD, XCP, etc.) then the CAN port is reserved and cannot be used for any other measurement.
If there is a need to track the "raw" traffic from the ECU then you need one CAN channel. - Is it possible to measure CAN and CAN-FD from the same port at the same time?
Yes, if the CAN and CAN-FD are on the same BUS. - Ordering hardware upgrade from CAN to CAN-FD:
With the hardware upgrade, you will also receive a new license with the included CAN-FD option. If the license was not provided, please provide the current licenses and serial numbers of the upgraded device.