In this article the different modes for channels and modules are explained. The configuration of different modes that will define how measured data will be used and manipulated in Dewesoft can be set as follows:
Measure modes
Measure mode settings for modules:
Used settings for channels:
In measure mode if channels or modules are set to 'Used' those channels or modules will be active while measuring, and the channels and module outputs can be used for other derived channels.
To activate/deactivate usage of all or specific channels at the same time in channels grid, mouse drag or Ctrl+click on the desired channels. The 'Used' modules in Measure mode will appear as 'Calculated' modules in Analyze mode.
Storing settings found in channels grid:
Storing settings in Channels setup for analog input channels:
At the channel grid or inside Channel setup for Analog input channels, a Stored button is available. It is by default set to On (button is highlighted with blue color). To disable storing of the channels, depress it. When Stored is disabled for a channel, the channel can still be displayed and used for mathematics, but it will not be stored. This function has been added specifically to avoid recording unneeded data. For example, if you only need stored data for derived math channels, then storing of the source channels can be disabled.
Channels or modules set to 'Unused' will be inactive while measuring. The 'Unused' channels and module outputs will not be stored while recording data, and will not be available for other derived channels. Derived channels, like math channels, set to 'Unused' will still be able to be recalculated in the Analyze mode if all related source channels are set to 'Used' and 'Stored' while measuring.
Online and Offline
Online and offline settings in math channel grid:
Online channels and modules will be calculated while measuring. Offline channels and modules only perform post-calculations on measured data in Analyze mode. The channels with 'Offline' enabled cannot be selected for I/O data modules, like Analog in, Analog/Digital out and Counters, since these modules manage real/live data.
Analyze modes
Analyze mode settings for modules and plugins:
- The modes 'Online' and 'Used' are used to inspect already calculated data
- 'Offline' and 'Calculated' are used when performing post-analysis with recalculations.
Used and Online
As long as channels and modules are set to 'Used' or 'Online' they will show the data that were already calculated while measuring.
NOTE: To calculate the values on specific data region the math should be set to 'Offline.
Channels and modules set to 'Offline' can be recalculated.
When related analysis changes are made or when calculated data is not already available for all output channels in the selected time region then the channel mode will be offline, meaning that recalculation is required to get all related results.
After channels or modules have been set to 'Offline', and 'Single value' channels are included, 'Offline' will prompt recalculation for all related analysis changes, even though data are already calculated.
Buttons to use for recalculation of derived math and module channels in Analyze mode:
Calculated indication in math channel grid:
After recalculation has been performed on 'Offline' channels and modules their mode changes to 'Calculated'.
If data values for all output channels are already calculated for the selected time region, then no recalculation will be prompted and they will stay as 'Calculated'.
If analysis changes are made to the setup that require recalculations, then 'Calculated' will be changed for related modules to 'Offline'.
When channels and modules have changed away from 'Used' and 'Online' they can not come back to those modes again, but will from that point in time use the modes 'Offline' or 'Calculated'.
Time region selection
Inspection and recalculations based on smaller parts of the datafile can be configured with the region settings illustrated below.
Data region settings in the Time selector. The data region offset and duration, used for recalculation, can be set :
Data region settings in time Recorder widgets. The data region/duration used for recalculation can be changed by the zoom buttons in the lower right corner or with left click on region between white cursors: