Project file:

The Project file with a .dxp ending is in the System folder, which is located in the Dewesoft folder.

Here are saved hardware setups, Program settings, Global variables, data header, etc.

A new project file can be open in DewesoftX Application in the right upper corner with right-click on

options->Project->Add project->Empty project

Setup file: 

The Setup file has a .dxs ending in the Setups folder, located in the Dewesoft folder.

In a .dxs files, data like Name, Range, and Sample rate, etc. are stored.

So the difference between the Project file and the Setup file is that you can in the Setup file save some Widgets and Channel setups e.g. measurement to 100V and different measurements above 100V and in measure, you can set a measurement screen. If you have different hardware setups you can a Setup file for each of them.

With the Setup file, you save the Channel data and some widgets in Measure, but you can save all Program settings with the Project file.

So if you send the Project file to some person, he will get just a Project file without Setup file, but if you send the Setup file you can open the Project file from it.

That means the Project file (.dxp) is part of the Setup file (.dxs).