Description of the problem
This article will guide the reader through the definition and the use of a One wire adapter.
Description of the solution
One wire reader is an Ethernet to USB adapter, which is used for editing TEDS within the TEDS editor for EtherCAT devices, as EtherCAT devices are currently not supported within TEDS editor.
The sentence above can be slightly misleading, as we do not actually connect an EtherCAT device in this configuration, but the phrasing might make us believe that we should.
In short, we connect One wire reader to the PC on one side and to the sensor with a TEDS chip on the other side, as shown in the image below:
Here, we should note that we were testing the One wire reader shown in the image below:
Then, we also have to adjust the device to "OneWire Reader" in the TedsEditor:
If we want to adjust the connection to any other type of connector, we can follow the pin-out on the following image: