Description of the problem

What are the minimum requirements for Dewesoft software?

Description of the solution for the problem

Dewesoft software will work on almost any device which can run Windows 7, Windows 10 or Windows 11.

The hardware specifications heavily depend on the measurements, analysis, and mathematics/plugins used. High sampling rates and heavy mathematics will use more system resources.

DewesoftX was tested and verified that works fine on the following server operating systems

  •  Windows Server 2016 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Below are generally recommended specifications, which may not be applicable for all applications.

Recommended specifications:

  • Processor: Intel Core i7 with 4 Cores (3rd generation or higher)
  • RAM: 8 gigabyte (GB)
  • Storage: Solid-state drive (SSD)
  • Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 11
  • Display: 1280x720 (HD Ready)
  • Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit

*Actual requirements may be different due to specific setup configuration. 

*Attached find Hardware Recommendations in regard to the smooth operation of Order Tracking Module   

DewesoftX on ARM Processors (Snapdragon ARM):

DewesoftX runs on ARM processor (in emulation mode) but drivers (USB and EtherCAT) are missing. Obsidian and openDAQ devices most likely work, but this has not been tested.

It is expected that performance will be a bit worse d emulation. There is no option for us to compile it directly to ARM, because programming language that we use does not support this.

Additional information