Description of the problem:
How to upgrade the firmware on your device?
Description of the solution:
Required equipment:
- Dewesoft instrument
- Dewesot version X3 or above
- Dewesoft firmware upgrade package (.dxu file)
Upgrade process:
1. Download Dewesoft upgrade package (.dxu file) from the Dewesoft downloads page under the section Drivers.
2. Copy the file into the Firmwares folder of your Dewesoft X installation (e.g. C:\Users\Public\Documents\System\Firmwares).
3. Connect the Dewesoft instrument to the PC and run DewesoftX.
4. Go to settings:
The devices that support multiple connections as USB, Ethernet, or EtherCAT, like SIRIUS XHS and OBSIDIAN, can be upgraded either connected over USB or Ethernet\EtherCAT connection.
5. In settings go to the Update menu:
6. If the firmware package isn’t selected, select it by pressing the button and find the folder with the firmware file in it.
7. Select the device you want to upgrade and start the firmware upgrade by pressing the “Upgrade” button.
8. The following window should appear indicating that the upgrade has begun:
9. Wait until the software finishes the upgrade and then press close:
10. After the upgrade, the device status should turn green and state “Up to date”.
Warning: Do not disconnect the device during the firmware upgrade!