Description of the problem:

What are the license manipulation options and where can it be registered?

Description of the solution:


Dewe43 or any DEWESoft device already comes with an embedded DEWESoft license. However if the customer buys an option (for example a DSA upgrade), DEWESoft will require an additional license.

This manual describes how to embed such a license on the device itself so that it can later be moved from one computer to another without a need to copy the licenses.

Implementation of the license

In order to embed the license on the device, please do the following: Register the license, as described in DEWESoft’s user manual. Go to Settings and open the Licensing tab. Under the Create new license section, you will find an open field in which you can enter your license number. Please make sure that all devices, to which the license is valid, are connected before you continue. If everything is in place, you can click the right arrow button to start the registration. You have three different options on how to register the license

Register license to DS-DONLE

Insert Dongle in USB port and make sure that it is recognized by the PC and write the license number. The license with register with dongle as well as write to the DS-DONGLE. No LIC file will be stored in System folder. 

Please note that when the license is successfully written on the dongle it has to marked at the license number.

Register license to MAC address of the PC

If you want to write the license to a PC, simply write the license in Dewesoft and when you confirm you will get this notification:

Simply click on yes and in the license the Mac address of the PC will be written.

Note that the license is then active only on that particular PC and cannot be transferred. 

Register license to device (Deweosoft DAQ)

This is how you will see the registered license in Settings.

We want to select the upwards pointing arrow, which will allow us to write the license on our device (USB or EtherCAT) that’s connected to the computer.

After you’ve selected your device, there should now be three active licenses in this window.

The new license upgrade is now embedded in the Sirius, and we will now be able to use it on any computer that the unit is connected to, without transferring the license file. If we want, we can delete the .lic file, which was created during the registration on our computer. We can however keep the license file, which will allow us to use all of its functionality on this computer, even when our hardware is not connected.

Removing the license file
We can also remove the license file from our device by clicking on the x button, and confirming the
action in the dialog window that pops up.

IMPORTANT: This operation can’t be undone!

If the registration was successful, you should now be able to see two licenses under the Active licenses tab. One is already embedded in the device (DEWESOFTUSB), while the one that we’ve just registered gives us two options

Additional information:

F1 manual - License